Each week, I publish a list of interesting articles, essays and reports that may be of interest to the digital diplomacy community. This week-

  1. The day after election day: Why Trump officials are worried about Nov 4 (The Economist)
  2. Washington can’t stop Silicon Valley’s profits (Politico)
  3. The Google anti-trust lawsuit: What happens next? (CyberNews)
  4. What’s the worst that can happen? False flags everywhere (The New York Times)
  5. How botnes are evolving: From IoT botnets to hivenets (CyberNews)
  6. The Covid 19 crisis and the rise of digital diplomacy (The Arena)
  7. Digital diplomacy: States go online (Euractive)
  8. Media wing established to lead digital diplomacy (Pakistan Today)
  9. Trump’s ban on Tik Tok suffers another legal setback (NPR, America)
  10. Drone start ups aim to to carve out role in delivery of potential Covid19 vaccine (The Wall Street Journal)

Some light reading – Leviathan (Thomas Hobbs)

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